SloterparkbadPresident Allendelaan 3, 1064 GW Amsterdam


We place a strong focus on quality teaching in a family friendly atmosphere, carried out by qualified instructors.
Group photo forest

30 members of Amsterdam Waterproof went away to Nijmegen for a weekend of training and fun. The event was organised on the 24th and 25th of February. It started by an afternoon of special training at the Erica Terpstra swimming pool, followed by a mini-tournament. After that the team had a rest, before meeting up...

Linden IT Sponsorship Waterproof

Waterproof is delighted and honoured to be chosen as the winner of Linden-IT’s sponsorweek!  Amsterdam waterproof received a sponsorship of 1500 euros from IT company Linden-IT, which it will use to support its activities as an open and accessible safe space for LGBTQI+ people in waterpolo. Waterproof is deeply grateful to Linden-IT for their support!

Waterproof op sociale media Om op de hoogte te blijven van onze activiteiten, kunt u ons volgen op sociale media op de volgende platforms: Instagram: @amsterdamwaterproof Facebook: Amsterdam Waterproof TikTok: @AmsterdamWaterproof Daar plaatsen we de laatste updates, maar ook onze deelname aan toernooien, foto’s van onze sociale activiteiten en meer. Volg ons! ————— Waterproof on...

Beginnerscursus start 24 februari 2023 De Amsterdam Waterproof waterpolo beginnersklas start op vrijdag 24 februari! Op zes opeenvolgende vrijdagavonden, van 21:00 uur tot 22:00 uur, zullen we je de basis van waterpolo leren. De lessen zijn in het Sloterparkbad, President Allendelaan 3, 1064 GW Amsterdam. Deelname aan de beginnersklas kost € 60,00. De trainers zullen...

Op 28 & 29 april 2023 organiseert Amsterdam Waterproof weer het KINGSDAY TOURNAMENT. Meer informatie volgt hier. —– On April 28 & 29, 2023 Amsterdam Waterproof will organize the KINGSDAY TOURNAMENT again. More information will follow on this page.  

November 10 – 13, Mannekenfish is organizing its jubilee tournament in Brussels, ‘10 together’. All former members and all inclusive water polo teams from Europe and beyond are invited. Waterproof will participate as well. Late 2011, the water polo players of Paris Outsiders visited Brussels for a training weekend. They invited members of the BGS...



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